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Effectively managing methane emissions

On February 2021 ,12, Total inaugurated France’s biggest natural gas for vehicle (NGV) and bio-NGV filling station in Gennevilliers. The event highlights Total’s ambition to become a European leader in the distribution of NGV and bio-NGV. Natural gas is an alternative vehicle fuel and a key path to energy transition in the transportation of people and goods. A look at the different solutions and Total’s commitment to developing natural gas for vehicle fuel.


There are two different forms of NGV.
Stored at a pressure of 250 200 bar, compressed natural gas (CNG) can be used to fuel passenger cars, city buses, light commercial vehicles and trucks, making it a highly versatile mobility solution. A truck running on CNG can travel approximately 550 kilometers without refueling.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to °120- or 162-C° to convert it into a liquid. It is particularly suited to long-haul trucks on the highways of Europe and the United States, since it offers a driving range of up to 1,600 kilometers. The maritime transportation industry also uses LNG to power cargo vessels, tankers, and soon, ferries and cruise ships.

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG): one of NGV’s false friend

Not to be confused with NGV, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a mixture of light hydrocarbons, chiefly propane and butane: %40 of all LPG is produced during the refining of crude oil and %60 is extracted from natural gas fields. It is stored in liquid form.